EuComMeet means

Breaking down barriers to participatory democracy

The M4D2 approach

Multi-stage, Multi-Level, Multi-Mode, Multi-Lingual and Dynamic Deliberative approach conceived as a flexible, interactive, easy-to-use and scalable up model for deliberative processes, integrated with innovative technology related to automated moderation and automated translation in multiple languages to be implemented in 5 EU countries.

Key research questions

Which features should a participatory process have so that policy-makers find its results acceptable and useful for policy?

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

How important is policy influence among the reasons for participants to show up in a participatory process?

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

How organized citizen deliberation can potentially alleviate polarization in like-minded groups?

Åbo Akademi University

To what extent an automated moderator can facilitate the reaching of mutual understanding among citizens in a similar way as a human one?

Åbo Akademi University

To what extent could deliberative democracy contribute to bringing out a common reflexive identity liable to create a plural and inclusive European people?

University Paris 8 Saint-Denis

To what extent could the opening of a transnational public sphere help democratize EU governance and strengthen the civic identity of a European people characterized by an important diversity in terms of history, culture and politics?

University Paris 8 Saint-Denis

Which factors do weigh more in political opinion formation?

Dublin City University

To what extent does emotions influence Politics?

Dublin City University

We are about to mapping and understanding what really drives the policy and the public impact of deliberative citizen forums

University of Stuttgart

We want to draw lessons for more effective participatory and deliberative practices in the European context

University of Stuttgart

What do European citizens want from participatory and deliberative innovations?

University of Stuttgart

How deliberative and participatory mechanisms are institutionalized and what are the barriers to their institutionalization?

University of Warsaw

How is the link between the results of participatory mechanisms’ use and decision-making conceptualized and grounded in practice?

University of Warsaw

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Ever heard about “Sister Projects”?

Together with EuComMeet, these Actions have been co-funded by H2020 Programme under the topic GOVERNANCE- 21- 2020 “Developing deliberative and participatory democracies through experimentation”


Democratising Territorial Cohesion: Experimenting with deliberative citizen engagement and participatory budgeting in European regional and urban policies.


Inclusive Science and European Democracies.


Cities as Arenas of Political Innovation in the Strengthening of Deliberative and Participatory Democracy.

We have worked at same pace with the common goal of moving to another level our understanding of deliberative and participatory democratic processes and identifying how they can be improved in practice in order to rebuild trust in political, economic and social institutions!