Digital technologies shape all aspects of life, including democracy and governance. The European Committee on Democracy and Governance works to help Council of Europe to harness the opportunities offered by digital transformation while reducing its risks. Read...
A free, diverse, and dynamic media environment is key to strengthening open and democratic societies and nurturing Europe’s cultural diversity. The European Commission’s Action Plan supports recovery and transformation of the media and audiovisual sectors, both deemed...
The signature of the Joint Declaration on the Conference on the Future of Europe. This paves the way to launching a series of debates and discussions that will enable people from every corner of Europe to share their ideas to help shape Europe’s future. Read...
The platform is available in 24 languages, allowing citizens from across the Union to share and exchange their ideas and views through online events. The Joint Presidency of the Conference welcomed the launch of the platform. Read more
The body representing EU civil society says it wants to be in the “driving seat” of the Conference that starts on 9 May and will be the vehicle to bring about an increased and more meaningful involvement of citizens and of organised civil society in EU...