University of Warsaw

The University of Warsaw (established in 1816) is the largest university in Poland. It employs over 6,000 staff. It is a member of almost 100 international research networks. The University has always supported both basic research, which broadens our understanding of the world, and applied research, the findings of which have practical applications. 

The UW has created the University Technology Transfer Centre to support the implementation potential of research results. The Institute of Sociology, at the University of Warsaw, is a top-ranking sociology department in Poland. 

The Centre for Deliberation (CD) was established in 2011 to conduct applied studies in the areas of communication for democracy and democratic communication in close cooperation with public administration and social partners (media, NGOs). It has completed several projects the first involving 270 municipalities in the study of the quality of public consultations, and the last developing the inDialogue software helping to solve the identified problems. 


Relevant previous projects and initiatives
  • InDialogue for Inclusive Decision-making in Local Government (2019-2020), the Applied Urban Communication Research Grant, the Eastern Communication Association, the US
  • Civic participation in local government: European norms of deliberation and their relevance to the implementation of public consultations in Germany and Poland (2019-2020), a grant awarded by the German Polish Science Foundation 
  • InDialogue – from knowledge to decisions (2017-2018), a grant awarded by the University Technology Transfer Centre, UW
  • New Perspectives for Dialogue: A Model of Deliberation and ICT Tools for Social Inclusion in Decision making Processes (2014-2017), a grant awarded by the Polish Foundation for Research and Development